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Kingston – DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 G2 – 100 MB/s reading, 70 MB/s writing

28 novembre 2011

USB Flash Drive

Des images de la clé Kingston DataTraveler Ultimate 3.0 G2, officielles ou mises à l'échelle sont disponibles ci-dessous.

Official or scale pictures of the product are available below.

Kingston proposes a 3.0 USB Flash Drive in white and grey colours, more feminine than the other 3.0 keys whoch often propose grey colour. Nothing to say, except maybe a quite large key (see the photos in the gallery).

For those who don’t know the difference between 2.0 and 3.0 USB, please read this Wikipedia webpage. For quick explanations, 3.0 USB is faster than 2.0 USB (600 MB/s versus 60 MB/s theorically). Attention : to take advantage of this speed, your key must be 3.0 and your computer must have a 3.0 USB port.

Performances of this 3.0 USB key are excellent, here they are :

Speeds on a 694 MB file.
Average writing speed 99 MB/s
Average reading speed 70 MB/s

2 GB folder : 343 files full of various documents (images, video, music…)
High writing speed 74 MB/s, average speed: 30MB/s
High reading speed : 130MB/s average speed : 33,33 MB/s

I consciously put the high speeds in the title, and put the average speeds of transfer of the 2 GB folder in the characteristics below. This speed is weaker but it stands for the guaranteed minimum speed, no matter what files are transferred.


The key has a two-year guarantee and is compatible with Windows & Mac. The official constructive data sheet is available here.




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