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Verbatim – Executive USB key

26 octobre 2011

USB Flash Drive

Des images du produit, officielles ou mises à l'échelle sont disponibles ci-dessous.

Official or scale pictures of the product are available below.

The Verbatim Executive USB key plays the field of elegance and performance, which was not already won.

Geek, but chic ! Geek, because it is a retractable key, quite heavy since covered with silver-plated, and which performances are astonishing (we’ll discuss this point later). Chic, because it is silver-plated, beautiful and shiny.

Performances are really excellent : our tests reached an average of 16 MB/s writing for our usual test. and 700 MB for one file transfer. The average speed is 23,44 MB/s : this is a record for a 2.0 USB since very close to the results of 3.0 USB. No record for the reading speed, even though it is still high.

On the other hand, it’s a great shame that the data protection software is only available by downloading it (why didn’t they insert it directly ?), and in a trial version. If you want the Verbatim absolute security, you may choose the Secure ‘n’ Go Small Business Security Pack key. The constructive data sheet is available here. The key has a two-year guarantee and is compatible with Windows, Mac & Linux.



Marque: Verbatim
Type: USB 2.0
Vitesse de lecture: 27 Mo/s
Vitesse d'écriture: 16 Mo/s
Capacité: 8 Go, 16 Go, 32 Go, 64 Go
Couleur: Silver
Clé rétractable: oui
Logiciel fourni: non
Avec Capuchon: non
Dragonne fournie: non

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