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LaCie – Xtrem Key

28 novembre 2011

USB Flash Drive

Des images du produit, officielles ou mises à l'échelle sont disponibles ci-dessous.

Official or scale pictures of the product are available below.

This key is dedicated to adventurers, to extreme professionals. Thus ideal if you have to work in different conditions than the ususal « sat behind a desk and a computer 9 hours a day » : building construction sites, places full of dust, high temperature variations (in the kitchen of a restaurant, or near industrial furnaces), in the building trade or doing fieldwork (such as in a muddy oil exploitation in Gabon)…

Trapped in a metallic tip, the key can take shocks (of temperature, pression, or … physical) thanks to its waterproof cap (via a joint). Please look at the funny video below the test.

I ran quite crazy tests with this XtremKe : putting it under a bus, throwing it from the seventh floor, putting it in a freezer by night (-20°C) or in an oven (150°C), and eventually putting it in a washing machine. However, i did not test the 100 meters diving !
No problem after those tests. Once connected, the key works as if we did not do anything.
Only detail : when plugged for several minutes, the key begins to heat up.

The price is totally justified as regards to reading and writing speeds, and to its shock-resistance.

Image de prévisualisation YouTube

The key has a two-year guarantee and is compatible with Windows, Linux & Mac. The official constructitve data sheet is available here. Let’s end up with the fact that on all its keys, LaCie proposes its online data storage service (4 GB offered for 2 years).



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