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LaCie – iamaKey

12 décembre 2011

USB Flash Drive

Des images du produit, officielles ou mises à l'échelle sont disponibles ci-dessous.

Official or scale pictures of the product are available below.

When you think about a « classic-shaped key », you think about LaCie. The brand is very efficient on this concept. Congratulations !
The principle is just brilliant : it enables you not to lose your USB Flash Drive (or forget it in the pocket of your trousers before to put it in the washing-machine). After the CooKey, here is the iamaKey ! Apart from the shape, it is quite the same key.

The encryption system is the same one as in all LaCie keys. The software is inserted in absentia, and creates a partition which you may choose the size of. It only displays the partition in the explorer once the good password is entered. It works, but other models focused on « security »  have less old and friendlier softwares.

However, as far as performances are concerned, it is slow, very slow. 2,6 MB/s writing, and a bit better in reading, with 19,82 MB/s, worse than the CooKey model.
It is not really important but you may know it and remember that the main advantage of this key is its shape.

The key has a two-year guarantee and is compatible with Windows, Linux & Mac. The official constructive data sheet is available here. Let’s end by saying that on all its keys, LaCie proposes its online data storage service (the brand offers 4GB during 2 years).





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