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Corsair – Padlock 2

8 janvier 2012

USB Flash Drive

Des images du produit, officielles ou mises à l'échelle sont disponibles ci-dessous. (Corsair Flash Padlock 2 )

Corsair Flash Padlock 2

Corsair proposes a securised / encrypted key (AES 256 Hardware coding) very original. Here, to lock or unlock the e=key, no software since everything is done directly on the key.

Attention : to enter the code, the key must not be connected to the USB port.

Each key represents two numbers : 0 and 1, 2 and 3, 4 and 5, etc. So as to enter the first number, one pressure is enough. So as to enter the second number of the key, two pressures are necessary. To determine a new code, one may press the « key » button for three seconds, then enter a code with 4 to 10 figures, and finally press the « key » button again.
Here is a short video.
Image de prévisualisation YouTube
The instruction manual is available on the official page.

This way to protect data, far more concrete than a software, is unique and it’s like the protection of a safe : as far as data protection is concerned, the result is the same. Everything depends on one’s preferences.

Let’s talk about performances :
Writing maximum speed (one file of 700 MB) : 9,91 MB/s. Average speed : 8,3 MB/s
Reading maximum speed : 17,35 MB/s. Average speed : 15,38 MB/s

Eventually, we have to notice the excellent quality of accessories : a 40 centimetres USB extension lead and a very solid strap.

The key has a five-year guarantee and is compatible with Windows & Mac. The official data sheet is available here.



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